Welcome to the Rufus WorkHero Partner Portal Utilize this area to access partner sales content, register leads, and more. REGISTER LEAD Partner Portal Lead Registration Referrer Name * First Name Last Name Referrer Company * Referrer Company Email * Referrer Phone Number * Lead Contact Name * Lead Contact Title * Lead Company * Lead Industry * Lead Contact Email * Lead Phone Number * Lead Location * Number of Workers Utilizing Rufus WorkHero Devices * What software will the lead use on Rufus android devices? * When does the prospect expect to begin testing Rufus WorkHero? * Products Needed * (e.g. Rufus Cuff Pro, RADD Tab, Scan2 Pro, etc) Current Hardware to be replaced * What problem(s) is the lead looking to solve with Rufus WorkHero? * Thank you for registering your lead with the Rufus Partner Portal. We’ll be reaching out to you to let you know if your lead is qualified shortly. RUFUS WORKHERO SALES DOCS