Ring Scanner or Glove Scanner: A Guide to Wearable Scanning Devices for Warehouses

Ultimately, no matter which form factor you end up choosing you know how the saying goes, “Once you go wearable, you’ll never go back.” 

What, you’ve never heard that? Ok, fine, it’s not a particularly common turn of phrase, but if you work in a warehouse, then it should become your new mantra. Wearables are the future of barcode scanning. Full stop.

But, once you decide to go wearable (and obviously never look back), you’ll need to find out which form factors work best for your operations, and which feel the most comfortable for your team members. We live, breathe, and, well, wear a few different options for wearable barcode scanners including ring, glove or palm scanner. Let's dive in.

The OG RF Scanner

If you’ve been in the warehouse business for a while, you know RF (Radio Frequency) scanners like the back of your hand… or is it the palm of your hand? Traditional handheld scanners have been the norm since the beginning of barcode reading technologies. They’re dependable, large, handheld scanning guns that have stood the test of time. Yes, they still get the job done. But do they get the job done as best it possibly could be? Unfortunately, no. 

Traditional RF scanner guns have a major efficiency ceiling, limiting productivity with one hand occupied at all times. In high throughput picking and sorting environments, handheld scanners certainly work, but they are no longer optimal with many other effective alternatives available on the market. If you’re interested in moving beyond the RF scanner, what’s the next move? There is a whole new world of wearable scanners.

Ring Scanner


A ring scanner is a lightweight 1D, 2D barcode reader that allows warehouse workers to complete scanning tasks hands-free with a simple wearable worn on the index finger. 

Why Rufus RingScan2?

Unlike outdated ring scanners of the past that have to sit on two fingers, the RingScan2 easily slides onto just the index finger. The angle of the scan laser more closely mimics handheld scanners, making the transition for team members easy, with reduced training time necessary. 

Similarly, the RingScan2 doesn't need a wire connection to a mobile device, but instead connects directly to the Rufus Cuff via bluetooth. Workers grab a ring scanner, scan the Rufus Cuff’s screen via Rufus QuickPair and are ready to scan instantly. The charge on our readers last full shift and have hot-swap batteries allowing for continuous scanning and zero downtime. 

Glove Scanner

A glove scanner provides the benefits of hands-free scanning on the back of the hand rather than the finger.

Why Rufus ScanGlove2?

For the most part, wearables simply come down to preference. Some of our users prefer the glove over the ring because of its lower profile and superhero-like feel. However, the scan engine is interchangeable with the RingScan2 to meet individual needs. 


Palm Scanner 

The palm scanner keeps fingers free with a trigger to engage in scanning that sits on the index finger knuckle for quick scanning.

Why The Palm Scanner?

While the Palm Scanner maintains the same form factor as the GloveScan2, it offers half of the amount of material on the hand. Both the GloveScan2 and Palm Scanner showcase a lower profile that make it ideal for reaching into smaller bins within the warehouse. 

If you’re used to traditional handheld scanners, you’ll notice that the scan angle of the GloveScan2 and Palm Scanner are both a little different.  It’s been our experience that it typically only takes half of a working day or less to become familiar with the new wearable device and form factor for optimal scanning. 

When it comes to scanners, it’s the wearer's choice. Ultimately they all serve the same function, but do it in different ways. When making the decision to upgrade to wearables, it’s important to consider what types of products will be scanned, warehouse layout, efficiency data, and team preference and comfort. We give you the flexibility to select different modules for the preference of your entire team. Keep them consistent or mix/match.

The scanning efficiency and ergonomics of Rufus wearable scanners will supercharge your warehouse operations. In fact, we’re almost certain you’ll never go back.

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