Introducing Rufus Proximity Alerts: Social Distancing Technology for the Warehouse

We are excited to announce the launch of Proximity Alerts via our suite of warehouse wearables including the Rufus Cuff, ScanGlove, PalmScan, and Rufus RingScan. This brand new feature available to all current Rufus WorkHero users notifies workers if they come within 6 ft of each other while at work. A visual notification and haptic vibration on our wearables are utilized to aid in social distancing measures to ensure a healthy, safe environment in the warehouse. As more and more warehouse employees are brought on throughout the holiday season, safety measures to reduce the spread of infection are of the highest priority to maintain the health of employees and operation of supply chain environments.

You can find out more about Rufus Proximity Alerts here, or reach out to us via email:


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